Flumps & Mallows
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Here at Keep It Sweet we offer a selection of different marshmallows and flumps sweets. Marshmallows, in their modern form, typically consist of sugar, water and gelatine which is then whipped to a spongy consistency and moulded into the desired shape, in the case of flumps sweets the marshmallow is moulded into a twisted cylindrical shape.
Marshmallows have a rich history, originally used as a medicinal substance, the extracts from the root of the marshmallow plant was used as a remedy for sore throats. Nowadays, Marshmallow isn’t typically used for its medicinal benefits, but rather for its great taste. Take a browse through our selection of marshmallows and flumps sweets today, and discover the spongiest and best tasting marshmallow sweets we have to offer.
Why not stock up on marshmallows and flumps sweets and play the old school classic, chubby bunnies. This game will crack you up as everybody crams as many flump sweets possible in to their mouths, before trying to recite the line “Chubby Bunnies”.
If you would like to find out some more information regarding our selection of marshmallows and flumps sweets, or to enquire about buying marshmallows in bulk, then please get in touch today. You can get in touch using our contact form, or alternatively you can contact us on: 01202 486256, and a member of our friendly team will be happy to assist you. At Keep It Sweet we are leading retailers of Marshmallows and Flumps Sweets.
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