Chocolate Coins
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Here at Keep It Sweet we stock a huge selection of Chocolate Coins, from Chocolate Gold Coins to casino chips, or gold bullion bars. Our huge selection of Chocolate coins will have you feeling as if you’ve hit the jackpot.
Originally a Christmas tradition, gold chocolate coins are often used to decorate Christmas trees. In many European countries Chocolate coins will be given to children on Saint Nicholas’ Day, normally placed within a shoe, unless of course you have been naughty, then you might expect a twig or a piece of coal under your pillow instead.
Chocolate Gold Coins often mimic the design of real money, checkout our 5p, 50p or £1 chocolate coins, but be sure not to confuse them for your real cash. At Keep It Sweet we also offer Gold Chocolate Medals, Pirate Coins and Giant Milk Chocolate Gold Coins. We can even offer personalised chocolate coins, perfect for any event.
If you would like to find out more information regarding our selection Chocolate coins, or to enquire about our range of personalised chocolate gold coins, then please get in touch today. You can get in touch using our contact form, or alternatively if you would prefer to discuss our selection of chocolate coins over the telephone, then please do so on: 01202 486256, and a member of our helpful team will be happy to assist. Keep It Sweet are a leading retailer of Gold Chocolate Coins.
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