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At Keep It Sweet we offer a huge selection of Strawberry Flavoured Sweets. Strawberries have long been known as nature’s candy, so what better flavour is there to make sweets with? Strawberry Sweets come in a range of shapes and sizes, some of which actually adopt the shape of a strawberry such as our: Giant Sugar Coated Strawberries, Giant Foam Strawberries, and Giant Strawberries.
Did you know that Strawberries are the only fruit which wear their seeds on the outside? At Keep It Sweet, although we don’t offer any strawberry sweets with seeds on the outside, we do offer a large selection of strawberry Flavoured Sweets which are coated in sugar, checkout our: Giant Sugar Coated Strawberries, Strawberry Fizzy Belts, and Strawberry Hearts today!!
Strawberries are commonly associated with British culture and tradition, especially a strawberry and cream combination such as our delicious Strawberries and Creams, but did you know they were originally brought from America to Europe?! Strawberry Sweets are a favourite among British sweets shops, and what’s more strawberry flavoured sweets are a favourite of ours here at Keep It Sweet!!
If you would like to find out some more information regarding our selection of Strawberry Flavoured Sweets, or to enquire about ordering strawberry sweets in bulk quantities, then please get in touch today. You can get in touch using our contact form, or alternatively if you would prefer to discuss your requirements over the telephone, then please do so on: 01202 486256, and a member of our friendly team will be happy to assist you. Keep It Sweet are a top retailer of Strawberry Sweets, Strawberry Flavoured Sweets and all of your other favourite confectionary delights.
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